A very important and funny class trip to the Schwäbische Alb (Albläufer 6c)

A very important and fun­ny class trip to the Schwä­bi­sche Alb (Alb­läu­fer 6c)


On Tues­day mor­ning, our class went for a trip on the Schwä­bi­sche Alb. All were very exci­ted. We dro­ve in cars with seve­ral stu­dents. We met at the youth hos­tel at 9 o’clock. Two ins­truc­tors and our tea­chers wai­ted there.

Then the ins­truc­tors explai­ned what we would do during the day. We spo­ke about team­work and the hut. It was very inte­res­t­ing and important becau­se we didn’t want to find the fal­se hut. One of the ins­truc­tors wro­te a num­ber on our hands. All child­ren with the same num­ber for­med a team. So we mixed the teams fair­ly, but some of the stu­dents weren’t hap­py becau­se the­re wasn’t a fri­end in their group. After they had cal­med down, the ins­truc­tor show­ed how to use the com­pass and the map, it wasn’t very easy. Befo­re we star­ted, some of us bor­ro­wed hiking shoes from the­re. Final­ly we all got going.

In our mixed group of seven, we sear­ched the hut with our map and com­pass. Our group went across a street. That was dan­ge­rous! For a long time, we wal­ked in the forest on a nar­row path. We saw many trees and it was very mud­dy. Our group fol­lo­wed the yel­low tri­ang­le. After 20 minu­tes, we saw the hut and we were very hap­py. Every one of my group ran to the hut. We were hap­py becau­se no one was the­re so our group was the first group. When the other groups and the ins­truc­tors came, we ate our meal. Then two groups went into the forest and sear­ched dry bran­ches, the other two groups went to the clim­bing park­our. After ten minu­tes, they came back and made fire. It was very dif­fi­cult! Other peo­p­le hacked the wood with an axe. After many attempts, we had a fire and we were proud.

Next, we went to the clim­bing park on a nar­row path. In the clim­bing park­our, the ins­truc­tor told us what to do. He said, “It’s a team­work acti­vi­ty. So you must work in a team or you can’t climb on the park­our becau­se it’s a very hard one.” One per­son from each team had to blind their eyes. And all teams weren’t allo­wed to touch the ground. After this dif­fi­cult task, we had a bar­be­que. We had sau­sa­ges, steaks, and vege­ta­bles. It was a very diver­se meal. All food was yum­my. And we had a lot of fun with our friends.

In the end, we had to find a team slo­gan and had to take a free­ze-frame pho­to. The slo­gan of group 4 was Zusam­men­hal­ten muss sein, sonst bist du ein War­zen­schwein, the slo­gan of group 3 Wer glaubt er sei nicht gut genug der braucht Ver­trau­en und Mut and group 2 had the slo­gan 1,2,3 wir sind dabei. It was so cra­zy! The pho­to of group 1 was real­ly ama­zing becau­se they stood criss-crossed.

After that, we all tog­e­ther went the long way back to the car park. It was bor­ing! The­re, we had to wait for our par­ents becau­se they weren’t the­re yet. The ins­truc­tors and our tea­chers went home but we had to wait. That was bad too. But they arri­ved pret­ty soon and then we went home to Reut­lin­gen by car. The day was very nice and real­ly interesting!

Fio­na, Jana, Lea and Nora, 6c